Movies Where the Villain Wins

Movies Where the Villain Wins

There are many reasons why the villain should win. Often, this is done in the interests of twist-endings. Horror stories, for instance, are often best with an emotionally negative ending. Writers who wish to make their stories original or unpredictable may choose to end them this way to make the story more pessimistic or Angsty. Sometimes, writers just don’t have an idea of what other ending would work better. Black comedy movies are another reason to have the villain win.

Invincible Villain

The Invincible Villain is a common trope in movies that feature the villain winning a game or a battle. While the Invincible Villain can be satisfying and compelling, it also carries the risk of becoming Villain Sue. This is particularly true for stories involving a Villain Protagonist. Furthermore, stories that exploit the Invincible Villain risk becoming Too Bleak, Stopped Caring.

While the concept behind the character may seem ludicrous, it has a certain degree of logic. In the movie The Dinosaurus, a bored teenager who turns into a dinosaur, is in constant conflict with the Invincible, and the villain becomes a bonding partner. It is this bonding that gives the Invincible the ability to defeat his enemies. This is one of the many reasons why the Invincible is so likable in movies where the villain wins.


If you love horror films, you’ve likely seen Jigsaw, but you might not have known that it’s the first in the Jigsaw franchise. Jigsaw is a witty and surprisingly scary puppet film, voiced by Tobin Bell. This movie has become a horror icon and franchise in its own right, thanks to its creative puzzles and traps. It also has some of the best action scenes of any Jigsaw film.

The Jigsaw movies where the villain wins are still quite entertaining, and this latest film is no exception. The villain is a cancer-stricken man who tortures his victims in order to teach them a lesson about life and death. The villain’s backstory is streamlined, and there’s fewer meat puppets screaming in this movie. And while the movie features a surprisingly human villain, the movie is still a classic in the horror genre.

Nineteen Eighty-Four

“Nineteen Eighty-Four” is a book by George Orwell. It is a dystopian novel about an authoritarian dictator who rules over Oceania. This fictional nation is governed by telescreens that monitor every aspect of the lives of its citizens. People have no privacy or freedom, and are constantly reminded of the dictator’s presence by his highly effective propaganda.

The plot of Nineteen Eighty-Four revolves around the conflict between good and evil. The protagonists, named The Animal Farm, struggle with their own personal demons while the villains plot their revenge. The story is set in the future, where technology is able to manipulate our perceptions of reality. Fortunately, a narrator demonstrates that “there is no such thing as evil, only stupidity,” and it is all a matter of determining how to make things better.

Rosemary’s Baby

In these movies where the villain is the winner, the audience is often on the losing end. Rosemary’s Baby is a psychological horror film directed by Roman Polanski in 1968. The film stars Mia Farrow as a pregnant woman who becomes a member of a Satanic cult and is convinced that the group is after her unborn child. Among its themes are rape, unnatural forces, and the hysterical woman trope. While this makes for a tense atmosphere, the payoff is powerful.

Polanski used Rosemary’s Baby as a landmark film. The movie was a box-office success, and offered an interesting contemporary take on Satanism. Many devil-worshippers today cloak themselves in sophistication, so that the film can be darkly humorous at times. In fact, the film’s climax has a scene that breaks cinematic rules by showing the devilish happenings of a father and his baby.

Funny Games

Comedy is a genre that is ripe for deconstruction and the title of Funny Games is no exception. This home invasion movie functions as a giant middle finger to all home invasion movies, slamming the media for glorifying violence in the movies and letting us see the horrifying effects of glamorized violence. The movie’s plot revolves around two preppie kids who show up at the family’s holiday home and terrorize the entire family before a bet is made.

‘Funny Games’ is one of the first movies to capture this gimmick, and it has remained one of the best thrillers ever made. Its 1997 Austrian original was a box office success, starring Susanne Lothar, Ulrich Muhe, and Arno Frisch. The film follows two young men who hold a family hostage and torture them in their vacation home. It was an unexpected hit, entering the Cannes Film Festival and winning the Palme d’Or. Its 2007 American remake was filmed largely in the United States with a mostly English-speaking cast and crew.

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